Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Deposed King of Nigeria

You know who I want to meet? The person who started that whole email scam about the son of the deposed king of Nigeria. Now that's messaging. I mean surely you didn't fall for it - fair enough. But imagine yourself never having heard of that scam and receiving that email. Yep, probably you'd still be like, "What bullshit!" But we've come to live in a world where we've all become skeptical. Maybe 10 years ago, when people still believed in helping the poor guy, someone fell for it.

In any case, I was thinking the other day, that damn, some person actually put thought into creating that email you know. It had the emotions, the money, the pity factor - it all worked.

In case some of you missed it, you can check out some samples of the scam email here. Oh and what you ask, made me think of this? It's Michael Scott's (from The Office) golden words, "When the son of deposed king of Nigeria e-mails you directly asking for help, you help. His father ran the freaking country!"

Sorry there isn't a better clip for this, but enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. do u know a large no of ppl still falls for it. its had been very successful. few even flew to nigeria to meet the son-of-******
